Independant Learners

Posted by Paul Becigneul on 1/31/2012

Recently I read some educational research suggesting that many of our students are not independant learners or thinkers.  The article went on to say that today's students have a hard time completing tasks independantly.  After some thought,  I have to say, I have noticed a shift in our students ability to make decisions.  They consistantly ask, can we work with a partner? or what page is this on?
My question is why?  Is it because for years teachers where instructed cooperative learning was the key to effective instruction?  Is it the google generation?  Is having information and technology at our finger tips turning our youth into mindless drounds?  My opinion is who cares why?  I only care about doing my part to help students become better thinkers, helping learn how to learn!  Anyone have any real answers?
