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High School Students Inducted Into the National Technical Honor Society

North Tonawanda High School seniors Isabelle Kogo, Austin O’Lay and Kayla Seeley were recently inducted into the National Technical Honor Society (NTHS). The students were honored at the Niagara Career and Technical Education Center in front of their teachers, families and district representatives for maintaining 89.5 average in their career and technical education (CTE) programs and 84.5 average at the high school. 
Isabelle is in the Early Childhood Education Program and plans on going on to Niagara County Community College for two years and then Buffalo State College so she can become an early childhood special education teacher. Austin takes the Electricity/Electronics Program and plans on attending Alfred State College to become an electrician. Kayla is in the Health Occupations Technician Program and will be attending Niagara University to become a registered nurse in pediatrics.
The students were eligible for membership based on their ability to emulate the seven NTHS member attributes – skill, scholarship, honesty, responsibility, service, leadership and citizenship. NTHS honors the achievements of top CTE students, provides scholarships to encourage the pursuit of higher education, and cultivates excellence in today’s highly competitive, skilled workforce.
Pictured are Kayla Seeley, Austin O’Lay, Isabelle Kogo and High School Principal James Fisher.