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NTHS Students Visit Germany

Trip Fifteen students from NT High School participated in the NTHS-Schenefeld Exchange Program in Germany over the summer to experience the culture and language of a region they had only learned about in class.

Robert Lucas, the German language instructor and director of the Academy of International Studies at NT High School, chaperoned his language students on the trip June 25 to July 13, along with NT ESL teacher Christopher Heyer, who is also fluent in German. The students stayed with host families and attended school, the "Gymnasium Schenefeld", just outside of Hamburg.

East West Students took excursions to the City of Hamburg and also a day trip to Bremen. The exchange culminated in a trip to Berlin, where students visited many historic sites, including Checkpoint Charlie, the Reichstag and the Holocaust Memorial.

Students were visiting during an exciting time in the sports world as the World Cup soccer tournament was being held in Brazil. As they toured the city, game scores were displayed and constantly updated on electronic signs for the trains and subways. Many students also got to view games in open-air venues. Unexpected airline delays kept the group in Germany an additional day, but they used that time to gather in one of the hotel rooms to watch the finals, which ended well for Germany with a 1-0 score over Argentina, to win the World Cup.

Soccer Scores The last trip to Germany was in 2012; as NT students visit Germany every other year. Next year, 16 German students will visit North Tonawanda in October 2015.