Spruce Students Learn Lesson on Entrepreneurship
Spruce Students Learn Lesson on Entrepreneurship
Students in Mrs. Deborah Dexheimer’s kindergarten class at Spruce Elementary in North Tonawanda spent a day in class showing off their entrepreneur skills. They asked their parent to partner up with them to be their business partner. The students came up with a variety of businesses and sold items ranging from pencils, erasers, balloons, candy and baked goods. Their families helped them put together their shops before they opened for business. Mrs. Dexheimer even had a little pet shop, so students could buy a new friend.
To kick off the event, the students sang a song to their parents thanking them for their help and then their customers, the other kindergarten classes, were invited in to purchase their items with fake money they were given out. “Not only were students learning the correct coins to use for purchasing and giving change, the business owners had to give out receipts and complete their paperwork when business was slow,” explains Mrs. Dexheimer. “Not only does it help the students with learning the value of money, it teaches them manners and kindness and how to treat other people. It was a very fun day of learning.”
Shaylee Klaes and her dad, Dan Klaes.
Eleanor Steves with her dad, Aaron Steves.