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The NTHS Career Center and Guidance Counselors hosted a "First Responders Day"

The NTHS Career Center and Guidance Counselors hosted a "First Responders Day" on Thursday, April 28, 2022, periods 1st through 9th, in the New Gym. Many "First Responders" such as NT Police Department, NT Fire Department, Niagara County Sheriff Department, NYS Troopers, Mercy Flight, US Navy, US Army Surgical Medics, US Air Force Air Med Evac Unit, US Marines, US Army, Army National Guard, US Air National Guard, US Air Force Reserves, US Border Patrol, were there to display information, answer questions and do some hands-on demonstrations.

Students were able to walk from table to table and explore/ learn & ask questions, about the different careers and opportunities available in being a First Responder.