Shared Decision Making

  • Shared Decision MakingShared decision making is a process that provides an opportunity for members of a school community to collaborate in solving problems, defining a course of action, and shaping direction for the individual school.

    The purpose of shared decision making is to enhance student achievement through both improvement of the instructional program and delivery of support services. Shared decision making is based on the premise that employees, students, and the community make better decisions when people functioning closest to implementation of the potential decision participate in making the decision. Shared decision making provides opportunities for schools to explore ways to restructure delivery of instruction and services to better meet the needs of students.

    As school staff and administrators make decisions using the schools shared decision making process their efforts should reflect...
    • collaboration with other schools, district administration, the community, and colleagues as necessary
    • application of effective research and "fact finding" effort preceding the decision making
    • coordination of decision making with the district vision for school improvement
    • development of a communication plan to promote staff understanding and acceptance of the decision
    • coordination with the approved curriculum, Board policy, existing contracts or agreements, state statutes, and federal laws

    Each school in the North Tonawanda City School District has developed and documented a process for shared decision making that legitimately engages administrators, teachers, support staff, parents, and students, where appropriate in:

    1. planning, gathering and analyzing data
    2. proposing, implementing, and evaluating solutions to problems
    3. making decisions for the best interests of the students, school, and the district

    If you would like to become a member of a school’s Shared Decision Making Team, please contact the individual school for information regarding the membership process.