Computer SkillsThe Elementary Computer Skills Program provides computer instruction to all students in grades K-6 once per 6 day cycle. The program introduces basic computer skills and integrates those skills within the curriculum using various software programs, online applications and the production of grade level projects.
During the course of the year, students receive ten classes that concentrate on keyboarding skills. Grades K-2 use the keyboarding program Type To Learn, Jr. Grades 3-6 use the keyboarding program Type To Learn 3.
With the use of online resources in the elementary computer skills program, Internet safety is consistently reinforced. Twice yearly all grade levels receive instruction on specific topics of Internet safety.
In addition to learning basic computer skills and beginning keyboarding, students in grades K-6 use a variety of software and online applications that reinforce math and reading skills.
Students in grades 3-6 expand their computer skills into word processing, desktop publishing and multimedia using Microsoft Word, Publisher, PowerPoint and Photostory 3. These applications are used to produce grade level projects that integrate into specific curriculum areas.
At all grade levels, the computer skills program assists in class and teacher created projects.Early Learning:Arthur's Learning Kinderweb Beginning Letters Mouse Fun