• New York State Department of Health Guidance Update
    March 2, 2022

    As you may know, the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) released guidance related to masking in schools to districts on Tuesday evening, March 1, 2022. 

    After a review of the guidance documents which pertain to the masking change in schools, NTCSD updates are as follows:

    • Masking is optional in school and on buses. All people are kindly asked to respect the choices individuals make regarding whether to wear a mask or not.
    • Symptomatic individuals, regardless of vaccination status or recent infection, should stay home until tested and if positive or not tested, should isolate for 5 days, or until other criteria are met for school attendance (e.g., resolution of fever), whichever is longer.
    • Isolation or quarantining/test-to-stay protocols for students and staff who test positive for COVID, are exposed to a COVID-positive individual, or who exhibit COVID-like symptoms will continue.
    • Students and staff must wear masks upon return to school during Days 6-10 of their isolation period following a positive COVID test result. Masks are available in each school building.
    • The District will continue contact tracing efforts and the District will notify staff and parents of students exposed to a positive case to the extent possible. When not wearing masks anyone within a 6-foot radius of an infected person should be considered exposed.
    • At home self-test kits will be available for staff and parents of students in each building. Parents should contact their child’s school to make arrangements for picking up test kits. Positive test results should be reported to the Niagara County Department of Health (NCDOH).
    • Daily sanitization and physical distancing will continue to occur.  
    • The District will continue its daily reporting of positive cases to the school community and the New York State COVID-19 Report Card.
    • Weekly mandatory testing for those that are required to complete will continue.

    Please remember to practice good personal health and hygiene practices by covering your nose and mouth when sneezing or coughing, washing your hands with soap frequently, and stay home if experiencing COVID-like symptoms.

    Thank you for your continued cooperation and patience during the challenging times that we have faced as a learning community.  The safety of all people in the North Tonawanda City School District is most important. Stay safe and be well.