Athletic Forms

  • Cardiac Assessment/Release for Return to Activities (PE and Sports)

    All students in grades K-12 that have tested positive for COVID-19 must be cleared by their provider to return to physical education and/or sports. Students will not be permitted to participate in physical education and/or sports without this clearance.


    A parent/guardian must first register their child on FamilyID before a physical will be administered. When your child signs up for their physical, with the school nurse, they will then be given an appointment date and time.

    Athletic Code of Conduct

    All athletes and their parents must read the Code of Conduct and sign the form contained within it. This document is the student-athlete handbook outlining responsibilities, rules and regulations, as well as the policies and procedures for participation in our extracurricular activities.

    Athletic Placement Process (APP)

    Coach's Sport Skills Evaluation Sheet for APP. This form is required before you can sign up with the school nurse for a physical.

    Coaches' Corner

    Forms for coaches, officials and staff working within the Athletic Department.