Academic Eligibility for Students Participating in Athletics

  • Academic Eligibility In order to participate in athletics, the following academic requirements must be met:

    1. Per New York State rules, a student must be a bona fide pupil of the school which he/she represents. To participate in interscholastic athletic competition at the high school level for a Niagara Frontier League (NFL) member, a student must have passed, or be passing at the league recognized first tryout date of each season, four (4) credit bearing classes and physical education* as defined in 207.0 – Subsection K of General NFL By-Laws.

    *If student is failing physical education, they will be ineligible for try-outs and practices.

        1. 1) For fall athletic competition, initial eligibility will be based on final grades from the prior school year through the close of summer school classes in August.
        2. 2) Winter at the end of 10 week marking period.
        3. 3) Spring at the end of 20 week marking period.
    1. If a student-athlete does not meet the standard outlined in A. above, instances of extenuating circumstances may be reviewed by the principal. If deemed to be a legitimate extenuating circumstance, the principal (or designee) may present the case to the Athletic Directors for a waiver of the eligibility requirements. A unanimous vote of the Directors will approve the waiver. If the Directors do not approve the request unanimously, the principal may request a waiver by the Executive Committee of the Niagara Frontier League. Their approval by majority vote will enact eligibility.
    2. Once a sport season begins (recognized league start date), each school district has the right to review student eligibility for the purpose of reinstating or removing a student-athlete from participating in approved interscholastic athletic competition. These reviews may take the form of 5-week progress reports or 10 week marking period grades throughout a season. If a student-athlete becomes ineligible during the season (at the 5 or 10 week mark) they will be placed on a probationary period. During probation the athlete may participate in practices but not games or contest. The student must also attend the Overtime Goals after school program in the high school in order to participate in practices with the intent to become eligible for games or contests. Grades will be rechecked (if athlete meets above requirements) 5 days after initial notification of the ineligibility. If passing at this time (4 plus PE) the student-athlete will be allowed to fully participate. If not passing they must continue the above mentioned probation with grade able to be check on a weekly basis.
    3. League member schools participating in competition not governed by the NFL, i.e. Federation football, ice hockey, will adhere to league eligibility standards stated herein for purposes of student eligibility.
    4. Eligibility standards for Modified Sports will also follow the above requirements.