Fill our Little Food Pantries!
Currently accepting canned food items through spring break! Please help us fill up our schools' little food pantries, located outside of Spruce and Drake Elementary schools!
A collaboration between the family resource center and high school work-based learning program
Bottle & Can Drive
Currently accepting cans and bottles to be sorted for a deposit. This provides real world work skills for our work-based learning program.
A collaboration between the family resource center and high school work-based learning program
Support our NT students by donating school supplies to be given to classroom teachers and families in need!
...a collaboration between the Family Resource Center and NTHS Work-Based Learning Program.
You can place items in the donation bins at each school.
For more information, contact:
Jane Guadagna
Phone: (716) 807-3600
176 Walck Rd. North Tonawanda, NY 14120 (PHONE) 716-807-3655 (FAX) 716-807-3524 Site Map