Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act
In accordance with the Federal Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA, 40 CFR 763), this notice is required by Federal Regulations to inform you and members of your organization that North Tonawanda CSD routinely conducts semi-annual inspections of all District buildings. This required inspection is performed in order to ascertain the condition of any asbestos containing material (ACM) remaining in any of the District’s buildings.
Inspections were completed during the months of February and July and all asbestos containing materials (ACM) were found to be in good to excellent condition and present no health hazards to building occupants.
The results of this periodic inspection have been placed in the AHERA records file, located in the main office of each individual school building. Should you desire to view this report or any other AHERA records, please contact the main office of the particular school building for which information is sought. The District’s AHERA record books are available for public inspection during normal school hours.
Further assistance in clarification of any information contained in the District’s AHERA record books may be obtained from the District’s L.E.A. designated person: James Hart at 807-3517.