Course Outline: Welcome to French and Spanish 7!
French 7 or Spanish 7, is the equivalent of the first part of French or Spanish 1 at the high school. At the end of French 8 or Spanish 8, Students will take a second language proficiency test for high school credit. During the two years of language study at the middle school, students will develop oral skills which will allow them to socialize, provide and gather information, express personal feelings and opinions, and invite friends to do things afterschool and on the weekend in their target language.
All students will have a very successful year if they put forth their best effort on homework assignments and participate daily in class. Please call the Homework Hotline 807-3720 to verify assignments. Students are required to do homework four nights a week and occasionally on weekends.
Students should also practice vocabulary terms for a few minutes every night after they have finished homework Studying a little bit every night makes learning easy. My teacher page on the North Tonawanda Middle School website has flashcard links so that students can easily learn key vocabulary. I have created sets of flashcards to correspond to the packets. Simply click on quizlet link and your child will be able to review vocabulary with flashcards, games and pre-tests.