Phone: 807-3859


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelors in Psychology, SUNY Cortland Masters in School Counseling, University a Buffalo Certificate of Advanced Study (CAS)

Mr. Zon


My name is Chris Zon and I am Spruce Elementary's School Counselor. I started at NT halfway through the 18-19 school year. Prior to this, I have worked as a School Counselor at Starpoint High School, Niagara Wheatfield High School, and Summit Educational Resources (As a Clinical Camp Counselor and Teachers Assistant). I am a professional to best help your child succeed socially, emotionally and behaviorally. I love my job and helping students to be the best that they can be.

I am also a human being, I love food, my dog, being outside and am more than willing to work with people.  Please DO NOT hesitate to reach out to me with any way that I can help your Spruce student.

I am VERY excited for my first full year here at Spruce. 

-Mr. Zon