• Miss Fretthold's Teacher Page


    Contact Information

    Phone: (716) 807-3600 Extension 1910

    E-Mail Address: sfretthold@ntschools.org

    Miss Fretthold's Daily Schedule (2019 - 2020) 

    Period 1: Plan Period (Room 210)

    Period 2: Plan Period (Room 210)

    Period 3: U.S. History with Mr. Fezer (Room 210)

    Period 4: Global History II (Room 238)

    Period 5: Study Hall (Room 210)

    Period 6: Lunch

    Period 7: Resource Room (Room 238)

    Period 8: U.S. History with Mr. Fezer (Room 210)

    Period 9: Global History II (Room 238)


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