• Middle School Physical Education Grading Policy

    Mr. Pat Kennedy

    Ms. Alyssa Brosius


    Expectations for students in Physical Education

    1. You must be on time for PE and in the locker room by the time the bell rings!  You have exactly 3 minutes from the bell to be changed and out of the locker room sitting in alphabetical order ready for attendance. Unless you have a pass, if you are not in the gym 3 minutes after the bell rings, you are considered LATE!! 3 lates = detention. 
    2. No cellphones/ I pods/ ear buds are permitted during class.  It will be taken away if we see it out during class. 
    3. You must be in the appropriate clothing and footwear.  See dress code below.
    4. You must engage and participate in the individual, group, fitness or skill building activity energetically, enthusiastically, and with respect for others.
    5. Be aware of any safety implications.
    6. Have respect for other classmates as well as for the teacher at all times.  Failure to do so will result in a detention and a 0 for the day.
    7. Absolutely no profanity will be tolerated.  The 1st time is a warning, the 2nd is detention.
    8. Absolutely no food/drinks are allowed in the locker rooms/gym.  The 1st time is a warning; the 2nd time is a write up.
    9. Lock up all of your valuables each class.  We are not responsible.
    10. Have Fun ! 

    Grading Policy

    Participation – 50%

    Skill- 25 %

    Written Tests = 25%


    Dress Code:

    • Shorts of modest length, sweat pants, wind pants (NO jeans)
    • Underwear must be completely covered by the outer clothing
    • Sneakers ! (No slip on shoes, boots, crocks, flip flops)
    • Shirts must cover your midriff when arms are raised
    • No spaghetti strap tank tops or low neck lines
    • Absolutely NO Jewelry!! If a new piercing, it will be taped prior to EACH class (we will not provide tape)
    • If jewelry is not removed or taped, you will be considered unprepared and graded accordingly.


    PE units for 2019-2020

    Football (Sep)

    Soccer (Sep/Oct)

    Pickle ball (Oct)

    Kan Jam/Cooperative Games (boys) Weight Room (girls) (Nov)

    Basketball (December)

    Square Dancing (Jan)

    Handball (Jan/Feb)

    Volleyball (Feb)

    Kan Jam/Cooperative Games (girls) Weight Room (boys) (March)

    Badminton (March/April)

    Cooperative Games/Ultimate Frisbee (April/May)

    Softball (May/June)


    Every class, students have the opportunity to earn a total of 4 points per day on the following rubrics: 

    2 points= Preparation

    The student….

    2- Has changed into appropriate clothing and footwear for the activity

    1- Has borrowed appropriate footwear and clothing for the activity

    0- does not have appropriate clothing or footwear for activity and may not participate in activity.

    (Any student unprepared for class will earn a 0 for that day.  Students are able to make up gym classes for ½ credit by staying after school.)

    2 points = Participation/Behavior/ Effort

    The student….

    2- Fully commits to individual, group, fitness or skill building activities with energy and enthusiasm and respect towards others and teacher.  He/she is very cooperative and tries their best.

    1- On few occasions will engage individual, group, fitness, or skill building activities energetically, enthusiastically or with respect for hard work.

    0- does NOT engage in individual, group, fitness, or skill building activities energetically, enthusiastically, or with respect for hard work and fails to respect the teacher and others.

    Physical Fitness Test Info

    The activities featured on the fitness test are provided as a way for you to get an estimate of your level of aerobic fitness, muscular strength and endurance, and flexibility. The results on each test provide you with a measure from which you can track your progress in each area as you become more physically active.  This will include the 1 mile run or Pacer, the sit and reach, pushups and sit ups.  Students will perform the fitness test TWICE throughout the school year…..Once in the beginning of the school year and again at the end to show progress. 

    Students are allowed excused absences

    An excused absence consists of being out of PE class for a field trip, athletics or lessons. You do NOT need to make up these missed PE classes.  

    You have TWO Freebees EACH marking period for absences due to an illness or appointment……After 2 absences, you must make up classes or they will count as 0’s. You may make up absences by

    • Actively participating in PE during enrichment.
    • Participate in the missed activity with the teacher after school from 2:30-3:05. (You must make an appnt with the PE teacher)
    • Sign up and work out in the weight room after school 

    NOTE: Being “unprepared” or simply sitting out is not considered an excused absence and will not be tolerated.  After 2 unprepared classes, we will call home.  


    Students who are in school, but ill need to have a signed form from the nurse in order to be excused for PE for the day.  These classes MUST be made up at least 1 week before the end of a marking period. Notes from a parent will NOT be considered legal excuses without a form from the nurse. 

    Make up work for “un-excused” absences

    According to the District Make-Up Opportunities Policy, an unexcused absence (meaning you are truant) may not be made up!! 

    Make up work for students on a medical

    Students will be assigned written work while placed out on a medical.  Work needs to be submitted by the expected due date for it to count as credit towards their missed PE classes.


     Students/Parents/Guardians- Please sign below to show you have read our grading policy and return to Mr. Kennedy or Ms. Brosius by _______________________

    This is worth 4 points.



    If you have any questions please contact us @

    Abrosius@ntschools.org or Pkennedy@ntschools.org



    Student Name (PRINT)            ________________________________________


    Student Signature                  ________________________________________


    Parent/Guardian (PRINT)        ________________________________________


    Parent/Guardian Signature    ________________________________________


    Parent/Guardian email / #      ________________________________________





