Phone: (716) 807-3736
Degrees and Certifications:
Mr. Nathan Schelble
My name is Nathan Schelble and I am the school counselor at Ohio Elementary School. This is my 9th year at North Tonawanda City Schools and previous to working at NT, I have had the opportunity to work in Western NY public and charter schools, and international schools in Thailand, Japan and Singapore.
This school year I will teach each class about once per month, during library time. The lessons will reinforce social emotional learning and development. The benchmarks of social emotional learning (SEL) which will be highlighted and taught include: self-awareness, self-management, social-awareness, relationship skills, and responsible decision making. Additionally, I will teach bullying lessons and an outside agency will visit Ohio Elementary to teach Erin's Law Lessons (a New York State requirement). The Ohio students contribute much to these lessons by their inquisitive, engaging, and enthusiastic love for learning. Parents and caregivers can look forward to seeing worksheets, students will bring home, relating to these New York State SEL Benchmarks. The hope is that engaging conversations, around the dinner table, can take place which can help reinforce social/emotional development, positive character, and good choices.

I look forward to all the positive initiatives within our school and district this year and I am excited to be part of the Ohio Elementary School community!