Welcome to Our Sensory Room
In 2015, we were fortunate to be funded through the Remember Ryan Foundation, in order to create a Sensory Room. Ryan's Sensory Room is located in the social work suite in the school.
What is a Sensory Room? - "Sensory Room" is an umbrella term used to categorize a broad variety of therapeutic spaces specifically designed and utilized to promote self organization and positive change. Sensory rooms create a safe space that provides opportunities for children to calm and use de-escalation strategies in order to promote self-care, resilience and recovery.
What is the purpose of the Sensory Room? - The sensory room is a place for students to spend time away from the bright lights, loud noises and other sensory inputs. This is a way for children to calm down and modulate their emotions after being triggered by sense creating anxiety and behavioral disturbances.
What might you find in our sensory room? - Our room was specifically designed with a calming theme in mind. The kids helped paint an aquatic mural that covers one wall. Light blue walls and light covers provide a very serene atmosphere. The lights are able to be dimmed and a multi-color wave projector or star patterns can be shown on the walls and ceiling. Bean bag chairs and a couch provide comfortable seating while students listen to calming music. There are pillows and stuffed animals to help sooth as well. Bins with tactile items such as playdough, pom poms and sand are also available for children to use.