Second Grade Academic Curriculum
Content Areas of Second Grade
Science Units: Apples, Living and Non-living , Animal's Survival, Identifying animals (birds, reptiles, amphibians, mammals and fish), some animal life cycles, Exploring Matter (three states of matter: solid, liquid and gas),Plant Life, Parts of a flower,Energy in Motion (how heat and light can change matter),Our Earth, Weather (changes and patterns), Water cycle, Solar System, Homes for Living Things, Human Body Systems, Body and Dental hygiene and Eating Healthy.
Math: Writing addition and subtraction sentences, Stories about separating, Double facts, Even and Odd Numbers, Word problems, Two Part word Problems, Repeated Addition, Building Arrays, Adding 3 numbers, Thinking Addition to Subtract, Using symbols to compare numbers, Counting to 100, Place value, Data Charts, Regrouping, Adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers, Skip Counting, Adding 3 digits, Mental math, Subtracting 3 digits, Geometry, and Money.
Reading : How To Read A Book, Retelling Stories, Reading Strategies (sound it out, look at picture, chunk the word, etc...) Reading to Self, Reading With Others, Checking For Understanding, Fluency, Expanding Vocabulary, Voracious Reading, Building Stamina to Read, Identifying characters, main idea, problems and solutions in story, Fiction and non-fiction, types of Genre, Reading With Meaning, Inferring,Visualization, predictions, and reading for pleasure.
Writing: A year long plan will reflect Common Core State Standards. The instruction is suggested to provide lessons being built sequentially. The program is used by all K-5 teachers in the district to help reach grade level expectations and carryover from one grade to the next for mastery learning. The topics are covered sequentially from grade level to grade level.
Writing Topics include:
Launching Writers Workshop, Personal Narrative Writings, How-to Writing (informative/Explanatory writing), Opinion Writing, All-About Writings, and Research Writings
Social Studies: Johnny Appleseed, City and Country Life, Rural, Urban and Suburban Communities, The Truth about Christopher Columbus, People in Our Community, Fire Safety and Prevention, Identifying city, state, country and county we live in, Natural Resources, Holiday Traditions Around The World, Martin Luther King Jr., Groundhog's Day, Presidents, Community Helpers, Earth Day, Memorial Day, Veterans, Flag Day and Summer Safety.
Spelling Concepts:
My students learn spelling concepts and rules that will help them to become better readers and spellers. For this reason I DO NOT have spelling word "list" sent home weekly to be memorized. I do provide a memo of what concept is being learned and strategies to work on these concepts at home. Quizzes are given to see if the student has mastered the concept.
Examples of some concepts and rules are that are implemented: Long and Short Vowels, Letter patterns, Compound words, Synonyms, Antonyms, Y as a vowel, Vowel Digraphs, Blends, Word ending (es, ed, ing, nk, nd, ng, er,est)Forming past tense, Forming Possessives, homophones, Short and long /oo/ Letter combination sounds such as: /ow/,/ou/, /ew/, /oi/,/el/,contractions, Changing spelling to make plurals, Silent consonants, words with multiple meanings.