• Project Alert is a substance abuse prevention curriculum designed specifically for students in the middle school grades. It is listed on the National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices. North Tonawanda City Schools is committed to providing the most effective approaches to preventing the use of alcohol. tobacco and other drugs in our schools and communities. We know the prevention of drug abuse is most effective when there is a partnership between the community, the home and school. Project Alert will be taught by the school social worker to Ohio and Drake Elementary's 6th graders within their classroom setting.

    The focus of Project Alert is on motivating non-use, learning to recognize pressures and developing skilss to resist these pressures. The lessons adress alcohol, tobacco, marijuana and inhalants - those substances that are the first and most widely used by young people today. Most lessons provide the opportunity weekly for the students to open a conversation with their family members on specific topics. Parents/guardians, grandparents and other significant adults are encouraged to engage in these conversations.