• School Social Workers are trained, licensed professionals who hold a masters degree in social work. Services are provided to support children's social and emotional adjustment to school. These services include individual and group counseling and crisis intervention and are available to both special education and general education students. Counseling is geared toward the development of social skills, anxiety and anger management. Consultation is provided to classroom teachers and service providers to ensure that each child has the opportunity to meet with academic success. This may include assisting with behavior management. The school social worker serves as the link between school and home and the community. Referrals to community supports are made to the family when necessary. 

    Additionally, the school social worker:

    • Provides counseling evaluations, to assess a child's social/emotional needs and issues
    • Assists student who have experienced, or are experiencing, abuse and neglect
    • Participates in Committee on Special Education meetings, as well as assists in creating a child's individual education plan 
    • Facilitates the building's Student Support Team 
    • Works with teachers, parents, principal and service providers to create 504 Accommodation Plans
    • Provides training and supervision to social work interns from various colleges and universities toward the implementation of Special Friends
    • Implement programs/lessons within the class setting, including Project Alert
    • Provide link between volunteers and the school (Adult Awareness for Child Safety)
    • Networks with appropriate community resources to assist families in need
    • Acts as a member of CHANT (Community Health Alliance of North Tonawanda)