• daily 5
    Students will have the opportunity to participate in a daily literacy block of at least 90 minutes.  The Daily 5 is a structure that will help students develop the daily habits of reading, writing and working with peers that will lead to a lifetime of independent literacy.

    Students will complete "rounds" or as we call it, "switches" each day.  Students will move in a rotation cycle through each of the following components of The Daily Five.

    Read to Self
    Students will have thier own "good fit" books that they read from during read to self.

      Read to Someone
    Students can develop their fluency by reading to someone.

    Work on Writing

    Students work on original pieces related to their reading. Students also have the opportunity to work on their weekly journal entries while they are working on writing.  

    Word Work

    Students practice spelling words using magnetic letters, letter tiles, dry erase boards, and much more! Students may also be assigned spelling sentences, rainbow writing, spelling sticks, spelling words 3x each etc... Poety will also incorporated into this activity weekely. 

    Listen to Reading
    Students will use technology to listen to various forms of audio books.  

    Writer's Workshop
     Writer's workshop is something that I strongly believe in. I cannot wait to get started this school year. In our classroom, we will follow a model by Lucy Calkins and Katie Wood Ray. During our writing time, students will be involved in the writing process for about 30 minutes.  During this time, students will work independently on self-selected writing, while I conference with students and deliver lessons to them based on their specific writing needs. Again, this is in addition to the time students spend engaged in writing during Daily Five! Below is an example of our Writer's Workshop model.
    10-15 minutes Mini-lesson as part of "Writer's Meeting", using a picture book to look at author's craft.
    10 minutes "The Quiet Ten"- ten minutes where everyone spends time engaged in writing, drawing, or pre-writing activities independently.
    20 minutes Independent writing- the teacher may schedule writing conferences, students will continue to work through the writing process, or students who are ready to publish their work may be using our mini computer lab to publish or may be found helping a fellow student with writing process.