• "Phonics Word Study Instead of Spelling..."

    Spelling- We will not be doing “traditional” weekly spelling lists and tests, as research has proven that this method does not insure accurate spelling. We will use more of a phonics based approach and individualized program. We will do a, lot of “word work” within our reading and writing each day in class. We will also begin using the Phonics Units of Study this year. We will do ample “word study,” exploring how words work within the complex English language, and we will have an emphasis on vocabulary development as well. Finally, high-frequency/sight-words/snap words found on our classroom “word walls” will be the words expected to be spelled correctly by all students. So, NO weekly spelling lists for homework, but occasionally there will be some practice “word work” sent home. Words to work on at home will be listed on our bi-weekly newsletter;"Logan's Letter."


    word study