• Read!

    Dear Parent/Guardian,

    Your child will bring home a book to re-read almost every school night from now on.

    If a book is not sent home in his/her “book baggie,” you should still have your child read each night for 10-20 minutes.

    Here are a few things that you can do together to help your child with his/her reading and writing: 

    • Listen to your child read the take-home book
    • Ask questions after reading and discuss the story fully
    • When your child “gets stuck” ask him/her to think about what would look like that word and make sense?                  *Please don't just say "sound it out."*
    • If your child has the stamina, occasionally ask him/her to write or draw about the book they read
    • Keep activities quick and fun! Most important, enjoy your time reading, writing, and talking together.