Student Expectations:
- Always give your best effort!
- You will see Mr. Zayatz about making up any missing work (This is your responsibility)!
- Try to appreciate everything we do.
- Have fun while trying to improve as a student and a person!
- Take pride in your school, your work, your family and yourself!
- Take care of any restroom needs prior to entering the classroom.
Keys to success:
- Be on time and prepared for every class
- Pay attention and give your best effort
- Turn in all work on time
- Be courteous to everyone in the class
- One folder for taking notes and filing homework assignments
- A blue or black ink pen
- One highlight marker
Assignments and Conduct:
Homework and various assignments will NOT be accepted if:
- It is not in blue or black ink (unless otherwise noted)
- It is in poor condition (i.e. It looks like you just pulled it from your pocket)
- It is late beyond 2 days
Consequences for late or unacceptable class-work or homework:
- It will receive a grade of zero and cannot be redone.
- The only way to fully make up the reduced mark is to do an extra credit assignment AND the original assignment!
Consequences for late or unacceptable major project or writing:
- It may be turned in the following day at a reduction of 25% of the final grade
- 2 days late receives a ZERO
**ALL MAKE UP WORK WILL BE DEALT WITH ON A 1:1 RATIO (i.e. If you miss one day you have one day to complete the assignment missed. If you missed 2 days then you have 2 days to make it up, etc.)
Consequences for poor conduct in classroom:
- 1st Offense: Immediate removal from the classroom and a grade of zero for any class assignment or homework that day. Teacher’s detention and a call home.
- 2nd Offense: A grade of zero for that day’s assignment or 10% off of final grade for project. Written discipline to vice principal with subsequent punishment.