North Tonawanda Wall of Fame Committee |
To honor those individuals who through their participation have contributed either individually or collectively to the promotion, betterment and/or success of athletics in North Tonawanda; to carry on the rich tradition of North Tonawanda athletics; and to perpetuate the best civic spirit of the community. |
The committee will consist of seven members, all of whom shall be voting members. Members are the current Athletic Director, 1 past girls coach, 1 past boys coach, 1 present girls coach, 1 present boys coach and 2 community members. |
All terms will be three years. All terms are voted on by the committee. Once initial term ends, the member may be approved for another three-year term. May 1 shall be the anniversary date. |
Nominations to be accepted by the committee for replacement of the members. Any member may nominate with selection by majority vote. |
Director of Athletics |
- Individual will be eligible for the Athletic Wall of Fame four years after the athlete's class has graduated from high school.
- Participated a minimum of two years in North Tonawanda athletics.
- Individuals as well as teams will be eligible for nomination.
- Person or team credit to the school or team.
- Accomplishments at North Tonawanda High School athletic program.
- Former athlete/team State Championship State record, All-State team, All-American, All WNY, sectional or league honors.
- Person/Team brought unusual amount of credit to the North Tonawanda athletic program.
- Any athlete who lost his/her life in service of the United States.
- Posthumous nominees will be accepted.