By-Laws of the Athletic Wall of Fame Committee

    NAME North Tonawanda Wall of Fame Committee
    PURPOSE To honor those individuals who through their participation have contributed either individually or collectively to the promotion, betterment and/or success of athletics in North Tonawanda; to carry on the rich tradition of North Tonawanda athletics; and to perpetuate the best civic spirit of the community.
    MEMBERS The committee will consist of seven members, all of whom shall be voting members. Members are the current Athletic Director, 1 past girls coach, 1 past boys coach, 1 present girls coach, 1 present boys coach and 2 community members.
    TERMS All terms will be three years. All terms are voted on by the committee. Once initial term ends, the member may be approved for another three-year term. May 1 shall be the anniversary date.
    REPLACEMENTS Nominations to be accepted by the committee for replacement of the members. Any member may nominate with selection by majority vote.
    CHAIRMAN  Director of Athletics
    • Individual will be eligible for the Athletic Wall of Fame four years after the athlete's class has graduated from high school.
    • Participated a minimum of two years in North Tonawanda athletics.
    • Individuals as well as teams will be eligible for nomination.
    • Person or team credit to the school or team.
    • Accomplishments at North Tonawanda High School athletic program.
    • Former athlete/team State Championship State record, All-State team, All-American, All WNY, sectional or league honors.
    • Person/Team brought unusual amount of credit to the North Tonawanda athletic program.
    • Any athlete who lost his/her life in service of the United States.
    • Posthumous nominees will be accepted.