• Welcome to the Classroom Resource page!  On this page you will find daily notes, discussion questions, points to ponder and other talking points discussed during class time.  In addition, look for download links to keep up to date with handouts and assignments. 

    1. What does the basic situation tell us about the story?  The basic situation tells us about the basic problem the protagonist must overcome.  The introduction to the narrative also gives us the characters, setting, and problems. 
    1. What are the two types of conflict?  The two specific types of conflict are INTERNAL and EXTERNAL conflicts.  If a character's basic problem or motivation is concerning himself or herself that character is said to have an internal conflict.  An internal conflict can be categorized as Man vs. Self.  If the character is pressured by others (forces, characters, setting, etc) that are outside of the character's control it understood that the character has an external conflict.  External conflicts are more specifically categorized as Man vs. Man, Man vs. Nature, Man vs. Society, Man vs. Technology. 

          3.  What is a complication?A complication is an obstacle that causes a problem in the narrative.  Several complications stacked on top of each other create  the rising action. 

    1. What happens at the climax of the story?  The climax of the story is the moment the protagonist changes, the complications are solved and the antagonist is defeated.  The conflict is complete and resolved.  The climax should be the most emotionally charged and most interesting in the narrative.  When the protagonist changes it is due to the character making a choice.  The choice the character makes is the correct choice for that character to resolve the conflict/complication.  
    1. What happens during the resolution? During the resolution the complication has been resolved and the protagonist has changed in some way or another (for good or ill).  In the resolution, the reader/audience sees the consequences of the protagonist's choices.  There are no more complications or problems and we see how the characters are affected.  
    1. Why is the most important question in fiction, the most important question in fiction?  The most important question in literature is, "What happens next?"  It drives our curiosity and causes us to predict, question, and judge actions for ourselves.  We watch characters move in a narrative and we question their motivations as our own.




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