• Advanced Placement English

     Course Description

     Content:          The course offers students the opportunity to earn college credit in a high school setting and, as such, contains mature subject matter and methods of assessment.  Emphasis will be placed on a student’s demonstration of critical thinking skills and problem solving abilities.  A Socratic method will be used in classroom discussions of the texts assigned.  Although it would be impossible to attempt to discuss all authors recommended by the College Board, students will draw from a diverse group, including, but not limited to the following major works:

     Literature as Experience (Anthology)

    The Essay Connection (Anthology)

    Sound and Sense: Poetry (Anthology)

    The Tragedy of Macbeth

    The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark

    The Metamorphosis

    “The Death of Ivan Illych”

    Heart of Darkness

    Waiting for Godot

    “Master and Man”

    Various Short Stories (Poe, Gilman, Hawthorne, Twain, etc.)

    Additional works necessitated by individual student research papers*

    Grading Policy:          Grades will be determined through test and quiz results, individual oral presentations, short written assignments, extended written assignments, note taking skills (your binder), and class participation.  Because class participation is so important to discussion, students must come to class with homework and reading assignments prepared and on time.  Failure to demonstrate adequate preparation will lower grades in direct proportion to the lack of preparation. 

     For each of the four (4) marking periods:

    Minor Grades = 50%:

     Ø  25% quizzes and short in class writing assignments

    Ø  25% engagement in class discussions and daily preparation, including homework


    Major Grades = 50%:          

     Ø  Research papers, oral presentations, group projects and some individual in-class tests


    Homework:     Overnight and extended assignments will be graded and deadlines strictly adhered to; one overnight assignment is allowed an extenuating circumstance but only if the claim is made to the instructor before homeroom on the date the assignment is due; otherwise, no late assignments other than related to a full day’s legal absence.         Compositions will stress the analysis and evaluation of literary works.  The culminating writing activity of the first semester will be a research-based author study.  The culminating writing activity of the second semester will be comprehensive and cumulative essay questions or a student centered research project.    

     Tests:  Major grade papers are announced and reflect the content of the works assigned, class discussions, minor tests such as reading checks, quizzes, some essay responses, notebook check, etc., are infrequently announced and do not qualify for an extenuating circumstance waiver.

     Make Up Work:        Any missed work is the responsibility of the student and must be made up at the instructor’s convenience.  Please do not wait until class to ask what needs to be done, come in before homeroom to make an appointment or check the class website.

     Appointments:    Any student desiring a meeting with the teacher, in other than a case of emergency, may request an appointment for uninterrupted attention; appointments are granted on a first come first serve basis.

     Behavior:        Students are expected to arrive on time (see Student Handbook for consequences for tardiness) and are to be prepared to participate (homework done, appropriate text, binder, ink pen in working order, etc.).


                Please take the time to read the following regarding academic integrity and the consequences of plagiarism:           

    When a student submits any work for academic credit, s/he makes an implicit claim that the work is wholly her/his own, done without the assistance of any person or source not explicitly noted, and that the work has not previously been submitted for academic credit in any area.

                 Students are free to study, and encouraged, to work together on homework assignments unless specifically instructed not to by the instructor.  In the case of tests, quizzes, essays and papers, etc., the student also implicitly claims that s/he obtained no prior unauthorized information about such assessment opportunities, and neither gives nor obtains any assistance concerning evaluations.  Moreover, a student shall not prevent others from completing their work.

                 Any intentional misrepresentation of ideas will in all probability result in a zero for the assignment, not a second chance (see Student Handbook).

      Finally, the list that follows identifies behaviors you can demonstrate that result in success:

    1.      Get to know what the instructor expects, his procedures and priorities.

    2.      Come to class with necessary materials, and in rare cases where an item must be borrowed, make arrangements before the start of class (with a fellow classmate if possible).

    3.      Respect the needs, feelings, personal space, and property of all others, both in and out of the classroom.

    4.      Use your time wisely; start the task promptly and stay on task until it’s completed.

    5.      Know what the task or purpose/goal is for each assignment.

    6.      Know both the format and content of major grade assignments early enough to make the deadline.

    7.      Expect the unexpected and plan for it.

    8.      Analyze how you contributed to causing a disappointing situation and brainstorm for behaviors you have control over that could produce a better result in the future.

    9.      Analyze your progress and keep a record of your grades (both good and bad).

    10.  Go to the instructor as soon as you realize or even anticipate a problem in performing a task or meeting a deadline.

    11.  Attend class regularly and participate actively and often.

    12.  Establish a relationship with at least one reliable classmate who will act as your “eyes and ears” and messenger when you are absent.

    13.  Keep an organized, complete, and easy to use notebook, which will serve as a review book and an aide to absent students as well as you.

    14.  Do one activity at a time, whenever possible.  For example, do nothing but listen when directions are being given.

    Click on the link to download a physical copy of AP English Lit & Composition Course Outline

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