• NT Booster Club

    Athletic Booster Clubs of North Tonawanda High School

    The Athletic Booster Clubs of North Tonawanda High School
    support, encourage and enhance the athletic activities of the students in the North Tonawanda City School District. The booster clubs work alongside the athletic department to help each and every team achieve a great overall athletic experience.
    Working cooperatively with the athletic director, the various booster clubs provide much-needed supplemental funding, promote attendance and spirit at athletic events, promote awareness of the important relationship between success in athletics and academics and advocate for NTCSD athletics in the community.

General Information

  • Guidelines

    Parents, guardians and members of the community who have organized booster clubs for the purpose of supporting a specific program should be aware of the guidelines established by NTCSD administration. Administrative Regulation 3260R states booster clubs must:

    • Be voluntary and foster support for a specific district activity/program.
    • Have a constitution/bylaws on file with the athletic director.
    • Submit fundraising activity requests to the athletics director/principal.
    • Seek prior approval for use of district facilities by completing a Facility Use Request.
    • Avoid interference with the decision-making of student groups.
    • Acknowledge and adhere to the authority of district employees in the administration of their duties and responsibilities.
    • Assume complete financial responsibility for their club, including but not limited to providing adequate insurance coverage.
    • Maintain accurate financial records as requested by New York State.
    • Provide a current roster of officers and members to the athletic director’s office at the start of each school year.
    • When planning banquets/end-of-season events, please be cognizant of other scheduled games.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q: What are the steps to hold a fundraiser?
    A: All booster club fundraisers must go through an approval process, 30 days prior to the event date, to make sure it adheres to district policy and that no conflicts exist. The fundraising form (7450F) must be completed and returned to the athletic director. The athletic director will maintain a list of all booster fundraisers. Requestors will be notified by the athletic department regarding status of the form. If door-to-door fundraising is to be done by students, Board of Education approval is necessary and parental/guardian permission is necessary.
    Q: Our booster club wants to use our fundraising proceeds to purchase equipment, supplies and clothing for our team. How do we do that?
    A: Equipment, materials or supplies purchased by a group must be approved by an administrator prior to ordering. Administrative regulation 7450R states in the area of sports equipment, materials or supplies, the athletic director shall also agree to the appropriateness of a purchase prior to ordering. Since our athletic logo and school colors identify our district, all clothing purchases must be reviewed to ensure that the proper school colors are used and that the athletic logo is properly sized and displayed on the clothing.

    Q: How do I make a donation?
    A: As stated in BOE Policy 5230, offers of gifts/grants/donations must be made in writing to the Board of Education who accepts on behalf of the school district by official action/resolution approved by a majority of the board.

    Q: What happens when the Board accepts my donation?
    A: As stated in BOE Policy 5230, all gifts/grants/bequests will become property of the school district.


  • Sports Booster Annual Application on File
    NTSCD recognizes the need for community support in conducting the athletic program. We also realize that as seasons conclude, new officers are elected for the following year. As a way to provide all Booster Club officers with necessary information, the athletics department is requiring a Sports Booster Club application to be on file each year.

    The Sports Booster Application asks for contact information, philosophy of the club and major goals the club will work toward.

    Forms & Policies


Snap-Raise Fundraiser

  • Q: What is Snap?""
    A: Snap is a social donation platform developed through years of fundraising experience as a fund-raising solution for groups small and large. Snap allows you to effectively manage your fund-raiser from start to finish, saving you time to focus on what is important while raising more money for your cause than you ever thought possible. Fundraiser participants and supporters will be able to utilize our donation platform to send out dona-tion requests via email, social media and SMS (text) to your potential supporters. Snap’s unique interface and integration with social media allows you to reach out to a larger participating audience, take in donations quicker and track your progress all through a user-friendly platform. Most importantly with Snap, supporters have the freedom to pay for donations with their Credit or Debit cards which are then securely processed.

    Q: What does it cost?
    A: There is no upfront cost or monthly fees to use Snap. In order to cover our operational costs of building, maintaining and supporting our software platform for your fundraiser, we do charge a per-centage fee of your overall funds raised. The program will take home no less than 80%. In order to receive funds, the accepting booster/organization needs to have a 501(c)(3) number.


    Each coach or leader has their own sign-on that only them along with their campaign director can see. This gives you access to our reporting. This allows you to track the participation of your teams. It will show how many emails, texts, Face-book and Twitter messages were sent. It will also show how many donations they take in and how much money they have raised.


  • Matt Cook, Athletic Director

    The athletic director is available to orient new (and existing) booster club officers about: Purchasing, Fundraising, Meetings, Facility Use, Best Practices and Guidelines.

    Teamwork      -          Loyality        -       Communication
    Working Together to Enhance North Tonawanda City School Athletics.