Roles and Responsibilities

  • The Board of Education is made up of seven unsalaried citizens elected to serve three-year terms. The board's powers and duties are derived from the New York State Constitution, the laws of New York State, and the rulings of the New York State Commissioner of Education.

    The Board of Education's main areas of responsibility are:

    • Establish district policies
    • Develop an annual budget for public approval
    • Vote on the Superintendent's recommendations on personnel matters and contracts
    • Review courses of study and textbooks
    • Act as a communication link between residents and the Superintendent
    • Employ a Superintendent who is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the district and administration of board policies. 
      The Superintendent develops policies, programs and plans for board action.
    No person or group of persons acts in the name of the board. All motions require a majority vote before the board can act. A board member is in an official capacity only during an official board meeting.