• Helpful Websites
    Reading Support
    Raz Kids!
    I truly LOVE this website! It is used nearly every day in my classroom during our Daily Five rotations. Students can work on reading and listen to books at their appropriate reading level at this site. Students can log in by typing the username: agrabau. The site will then provide my class list. Simply find your child's name and let his or her reading begin!
    For emergent and early readers, Starfall provides many phonics activities, letter practice, short stories, poetry, and many more fun literacy activities. My Kindergarteners enjoy the online stories
    Math Support
    This website enables students to access the district's math curriculum, EnVision Math. The website has a student-friendly version that enables teachers to assign work and games to students for extra practice outside of school. It is a great way to build upon skills learned in the classroom. 
    This website is very popular amongst all my students. The site's purpose is to build math fact fluency through the excitement of playing arcade-style math games. The ability level of the games varies. It is an excellent method of promoting Math fact practice. Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division, as well as other Math skills are highlighted within this site. It is a guaranteed crowd-pleaser!