Creating Formulas in Excel
A mathematical calculation is called a formula. Excel can complete mathematical calculations automatically when you enter a formula into a cell. There are three very important parts to a formula. First and most important, when you type an equal (=) sign into a cell, Excel knows that you are entering a formula. Second every formula needs values to calculate - these are called OPERANDS - an example of an operand may be the cell reference such as c4. Third, Excel needs to know what calculation or OPERATOR you want to perform such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division.Also important is knowing the ORDER OF OPERATION also known as the ORDER OF EVALUATION. Remember PEMDAS? How do you get addition to happen before multiplication in a formula - Yeah! You add parentheses around the addition portion! You will need to practice the order of evaluation for formulas in Excel.Click here for the Formulas note sheet (Make sure you refer to this when completing formulas in Excel!)Assignment One: Complete this matching exercise to see if you understand the concept of formulas and the order of evaluation. Matching Formulas Assignment Worksheet Use the Notesheet above if you need assistance! Drop to the dropbox when finished!Assignment Two: Now you will practice putting formulas into Excel. There are two files below that you will need to work from. The first is an Excel Spreadsheet with numbers in columns A and B. You will be adding formulas in other cells using those cells with numbers in them as reference. Good luck! This is a little more difficult than just matching!Assignment Three: The next step is to try to figure out the appropriate formula that needs to be typed in a cell. The assignment below is going to challenge you in trying to figure out what operator and operands need to be used to come up with an answer. Good luck!Assignment Four: The next step in learning about formulas is to differentiate between relative reference operands and absolute reference operands. A relative reference, when copied using the "magic fill" will change its cell references to reference the new columns or rows for the appropriate row or column the formula is being entered. When you add dollar signs before the row or column references, the reference will NOT change when copied. Read the website below and complete Merwyns problem as described.1. Complete Merwyn's problem (the multiplication table) on the website listed below using a mixed reference by creating a new Excel Spreadsheet. MAKE SURE YOU READ AND DO EVERYTHING TO SEE HOW IT WORKS!!! Save the spreadsheet as P_multiplication_last name..
Click here for the website!
2. Complete the worksheet below by writing your answers in full sentences. Save the worksheet with your period number, the existing file name followed by your last name and upload to the dropbox when complete.
Click here for the Absolute vs. relative referencing worksheet. Use the websites in the worksheet to find the answers to the worksheet. You can always Google "Absolute references" if you can't find an answer in the websites provided. When finished save this with your period number and lastname leaving the file name as it is.
Assignment 5: The next two projects (found below) allow you to practice all you have learned about formulas! Please complete both projects as the direction sheet indicates. Investment directions are on page two of the direction sheet. Dropbox both spreadsheets when finished!