The homework assignments for second grade have been designed to immerse students in work so that they are involved in academic pursuits for a minimum of four days. In other words, please do not hold homework, it should be completed and returned daily. Rushing through these activities is not how it is designed to be implemented. Again, I urge you to please do not allow your child to sit and complete in one day. For optimum benefit please insist that your child do a little everyday for a minimum of three days. All homework is assigned on Monday, or the first day of the week, and then all assignments are due on Friday(s), or the last day of the week. Missing Homework:*If your child does not have homework in their (red) Take Home folder on Monday, it will be your child's responsibility to be sure to get their homework as soon as possible, either after school on Monday or the very next day. Since one aspect of homework is learning responsibility, second graders are encouraged to be responsible for their homework. Parents can guide and assist their children to learn how to be responsible for both homework and returning library books when they are due.
1-Spelling: Spelling Composition Notebook sent home weekly
Students will receive a list of new spelling words each week. They will take a pretest on Monday in order identify the words they need to concentrate on. Then, they use their special spelling notebook (composition book) to write three spelling activities of their choice, one per day for three days. The fourth day the parent or guardian should quiz your child to identify one last time, which words they need to study as they will be having their final spelling test the following day. Help your child learn to check for neatness and correct spelling upon completing each page. These can be as easy as writing each spelling word three times each, grouping alike words together, and/or alphabetizing the list of spelling words. To challenge students, an advanced spelling list of words can be chosen. To further this challenge, the student can create their own sentences for each word. Definitions using drawing pictures and/or computer graphics may be used to enrich the students understanding of each new spelling word too! See the "Spelling Activities" list in your child's Spelling composition notebook when they begin second grade.
2-Math: One to Two double-sided Math page(s) sent home weekly and Math Fact Flash Card Practice
Students will receive a two-sided page of math practice. Teacher instructions are that students complete only one, two-sided page,each day,for three days. As with the spelling homework, advanced enrichment can be chosen to challenge students in mathematics. Also, students should be using addition math flash cards daily until they learn to memorize facts 0-12. * If your child counts their fingers, they have not committed the math facts to memory, and this will interfere with their learning as they progress through school.
3-Reading: Practice Reading everyday and Book Report sent home weekly
Second grade is all about sharpening your child's existing reading skills in order to make them confident, effective and efficient readers regardless of their current ability. Students are required to read for a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes each and everyday! Practicing reading skills and strategies is critical so please insure that your child is reading everyday! A book report that is neat and complete is required every week for reading homework. Unless your child is given a READ & RETURN BOOK by their teacher for homework, feel free to allow your child to read a book of their choice.
4-Science & Social Studies Projects: (See Special Projects Assignments on this site)
A fun, "hands-on" project to reinforce learning skills for both science and social studies is assigned each of the three semesters. Letters to parents will be sent home to explain directions and requirements. Students will always start the research for these projects in the classroom and receive the support they need to complete projects. Parents can feel free to help as they see fit.
Parents are encouraged to check, and correct all homework. By second grade many parents see their child sit down and complete their homework on their own quite easily. Yet, I encourage parents to please check that the work is correct, neat, and your child's best effort(s) because we should be establishing good habits and high expectations for their long future as a student and life-long learner! I purposefully designed homework only three days of reinforcement of their learning to allow for quality work, not quantity. To reinforce responsible behavior students must not only complete their homework but they are also required to turn it all in by the last day of the school week, usually Friday(s).
the event of vacation or due to illness, in accordance to the Parent Guidelines for N.T.C.S.D. all missing school work is to be requested upon returning to school.