Bus routes are authorized by the Board of Education and any requests for a change must be submitted to the Transportation Department. Please call the Transportation department at 807-3875 to request a change.Transportation services shall be provided to meet the needs of the students of the District within specified limits and areas established by the Board of Education.
If your child is attending a daycare or babysitter, you must fill out a Transportation Request Form by Aug. 1 for busing in September.
Mileage Eligibility
Measurements For Determining Eligibility
The Board of Education chooses to provide transportation to and from school on the basis of the following distance policy:
The above mileage policy is adhered to in providing transportation to both public and non-public students attending schools within the City School District boundaries.
Nonpublic Transportation Requests
Transportation request forms for children living and registered with the North Tonawanda City School District that attend nonpublic schools (including parochial and charter schools) must be received by April 1 of the prior school year per NYS Education Law. Applications received after that date may not be accepted.
Requests should be provided to the Transportation Department. Simply complete the form provided below and mail to: Transportation Department, North Tonawanda City School District, 100 Ridge Road, North Tonawanda, NY 14120.
Related Files
More Information
Most bus stops are established at street corners and fire hydrants. Consistency and fairness are key standards in implementing the policy. Bus routes are revised every year based on changes in student attendance patterns as they advance to higher grades or move out of the District.