

    See full size imageThe ABC’s of Kindergarten


    Attendance is very important! If your child is going to be absent, please remember to call the Nurse at 807-3800 to make us aware of the absence.  Please, also remember to send a written excuse for the absence.
    Books to read will be coming home Monday through Thursday. This is part of your child’s homework. You will receive more information about this program in a few weeks.


    Communication is the key to success.  Please feel free to contact me whenever you have a question or concern.  The best times to reach me are before or after school.  You can also leave me a voice message at 807-3800 ext. 7101.  I will return your call as soon as possible.


    Discipline in Kindergarten is simple.  I work hard to make the classroom a positive and safe place for all.  Rules are discussed the first day of school and reviewed daily.  Problems are looked upon as just that—problems to be solved.


    Everyone’s gifts and talents are valued in our classroom.  Remember that children are like plants—they do not all grow at the same rate.  With care even the smallest blossom will bloom into something special.

    Take-Home Folders will be coming home each night. Your child will receive a special folder purchased by our school.  This folder will travel to and from school each day.  It will come home with the papers completed during the day.  Please use this folder for all communication: lunch money, notes to the office and myself, etc.


    Get involved with our home-school organization ( O.H.I.O.). This is a group of dedicated parents and teachers that work as a team to raise money and provide many fun-filled events and extras for our students. All money for field trips, ice cream socials, and movie nights comes out of our O.H.I.O. budget. Please join and be a part of making this a wonderful school year for all of the Ohio Elementary School students.


    Homework is a very important part of school. Your child will have a light amount of homework .  Your child’s read-at-home books are part of the homework.  I will also send home special assignments, show-and-tell schedules, etc. Look for these notices in the newsletter or special notes in your child’s Take-Home folder.


    Information about our week will be sent home each Friday in a newsletter.  It will let you know what we have been learning during the week and will keep you posted on important dates. Please take the time to read the newsletter each Friday. Remember to ask your child about the things he/she is learning in school.


    Jamming your child’s schedule will only lead to academic frustration. Please make sure your child has some down time after school and a set homework time. Kindergarten children still need 9-10 hours of sleep each day. Please make sure your child is getting enough sleep. An 8:00 or 8:30 bedtime is appropriate. Also, all children need a healthy breakfast to begin each day.


    Keep it upbeat. Kindergarten can be very tiring and difficult for some children at the beginning of the year. Please remember to always talk about school in an upbeat and positive way.  The way you talk about school is the way your child will perceive it.


    Library books will sent home once each week. The children have Library each week and that is the day the book needs to be returned to school. I have a Library Book Return basket in the classroom so the children may bring their books to school before Library day if that is easier for your family.


    Money is a very tricky thing for kindergarteners. If you are sending in money with your child for lunch, book orders, or fund raisers please put it in an envelope and label it with your child’s name, the amount of money, and what the money is for. Please send it in your child’s Take-Home folder. I have a classroom basket for their money so that it does not get lost before lunch.


    Nurses are wonderful people. Our Ohio School nurse is the finest around. She is on staff to take care of any emergencies and administer any prescribed medications. Please contact her if your child has any health issues.  If your child has a fever or has been sick the night before, please do not send him/her to school. This helps keep the germs from spreading around the class.


    Outside play is  encouraged. We will be going outside to play as often as possible. Please make sure your child comes to school dressed for possible outside play. On cold days, please send your child with a heavy coat, mittens, a hat, and scarf. On snowy days please make sure your child also has boots. We will not be going outside on rainy days or when it is extremely cold.


    Parent teacher conferences begin in early December. This will be a chance for us to meet individually and discuss your child’s adjustment and progress in kindergarten. You will be able to sign up for a convenient time during Open House.


    Questions are always welcome. No question is ever a silly one. If you are unsure about something or are wondering why something is the way it is please feel free to ask.


    Rules are set for the safety of all students. Please discuss with your child the importance of following the rules of the classroom and the school. A copy of our classroom rules will be coming home in the newsletter. Please review them with your child.


    Saftey. I need to be informed in writing of any changes in your child’s dismissal arrangements. It is also very important that we have a current phone number for you as well as your emergency contacts.


    Toys should be kept at home. We have so much work to do in our classroom; toys are a distraction and usually end up spending the day on my desk. It is best if they are kept at home.


    Unbelievably important is being on time for school. The first bell rings at 8:50 a.m. and the school day begins at 9:00 a.m.  Please make sure your child arrives at the school by 8:50 a.m. so he/she can be ready for learning at 9:00 a.m. Thank you!


    Volunteers are an important part of our program.  Requests will be sent home as the need arises.   All volunteers must attend a short training session and be approved by the Board of Education before they begin their volunteer service.


    Wear practical clothes to school each day. I will make every effort to protect your child’s clothing, but accidents do happen. Please have your child wear SNEAKERS every day for safety and comfort. Also, label all jackets, backpacks, and lunch boxes to avoid confusion.


    There are eXtra clothes available in the nurse’s office in case of a major spill or accident.  If your child has occasional accidents you may want to send in extra clothes to keep in your child’s cubby. If your child needs a change of clothing from the nurse, please wash and return them as soon as possible. The supply is limited.


    You are your child’s first and most important teacher. No one can influence your child’s life in the way that you can.


    Zoom, zoom, zoom! Sit back and watch your child’s skill and confidence take off. You will be amazed and surprised at the changes this year will bring!



     Mrs. BunnySee full size image