SpellingEach week you will be given a list of 25 words to study.Monday: Write your words in class 2 times each. Extra list goes home. Homework is Monday Must Do 3X each.Tuesday: Review activity is done in class. Homework is Spelling Choice.Wednesday: Peer Partner activity. Homework is Spelling Choice.Thursday: Review game. Homework is Spelling Choice or an assigned page.Friday: Test is given. Children will have 25 words.Useful websites: http://www.spellingcity.comDisclaimerThis policy regulates only Web sites established by North Tonawanda CSD. Any other Web site established by North Tonawanda CSD students, faculty or administrators or other personnel must not be established using North Tonawanda CSD facilities or equipment and such sites will not be recognized as, and may not be identified as, North Tonawanda City School District Web sites or affiliates.