• Specials Schedule
    Day 1-  Library
    Day 2-  Music
    Day 3-  Gym
    Day 4-  Gym
    Day 5-  Gym
    Day 6-  Computer
    Classroom Schedule 
    9:25 to 9:30 Starting our day
    9:35 to 11:00 ELA Block
    11:00 to 11:30 Shared Writing/Reading
    11:35 to 12:15 Science/Social Studies
    12:20 to 12:55 Lunch
    1:00 to 1:30  Block Time
    1:35 to 2:15  Specials (look at 6 day cycle)
    2:20 to 3:20  Math
    3:25 to 3:45  Get ready to go home
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