Spruce Elementary School, Built 1954
The proposed work involves the replacement of asphalt paving, curbing and sidewalks, the replacement of doors, windows, ceilings and roof, repairs to walls, floors and foundations, replacement of lighting, sanitary and vent piping, water heaters, plumbing fixtures, electrical service switchboard and emergency wiring, improvements to the HVAC system, installation of elevator and the addition of technology improvements.
Scope of Work
Specific Improvements:- Technology Expansion
- New wiring, video projectors and interactive whiteboards
- Security enhancements
- Add A/C to Computer Room, Library and LAN room
- Replace/reconfigure paving, walks and curbs
Add parking lot lighting
Replacement of:- Playground curbing
- Gym windows
- Roof (except 1993 addition)
- Finish flooring
- Majority of ceilings
- Select doors and hardware
- Electrical service switchboard; boiler room panels
- Select lighting and controls
- Select sanitary and vent piping
- Water heaters, pumps, mixing valves and plumbing fixtures
- HVAC Equipment including Unit Vents and Air Handling Units
- Fin tube radiators and cabinet unit heaters
- Misc. ducts and steam piping
- HVAC System controls with digital controls
- Select emergency wiring
Repair of:- Cracked and spalled foundation areas
- Boiler room slab
- Exterior masonry walls and column bases
Interior damaged masonry and plaster partitions
Improvements to building Handicap accessibility:
- Add assisted listening system
- Renovate various toilet and locker rooms for improved accessibility
- Add new elevator in self-enclosed addition
Addition of:- Speakers in Aud and Cafeteria
- Gym partition safety devices