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    The Daily Five is the literacy block in our classroom.  Daily Five allows students to work on reading practice while I meet with small groups and individual students. 

    During Daily Five time, students will participate in teacher-led mini lessons on reading and writing, and grammar.  Students will also participate in self selected literacy activities.

    I am very excited about Daily Five!  In no time, your child will be able to select books that are just right for him or her and will be excited to sit and read for at least 20 minutes!

    During the Daily Five, students will be involved in activities and lessons in Phonics, Writing, Read To Self, Read To Someone, and ListenTo Reading.  Throughout the Daily Five I will be teaching skills from our Reading CAFE menu board. 

    CAFE stands for Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency, and Expanded Vocabulary.  Throughout the year, students will learn various skills and strategies to help them become super readers.  I will be their reading coach and will meet with them to discuss individual goals to help with their reading and writing.  

    The Daily Five and Reading CAFE are great ways to make sure that each student is getting individualized instruction!