Homework Expectations
You should expect your child to have homework everyday. Students should be able to complete most homework assignments independently. However, if your child is unable to do so, please provide them assistance, but I ask that you not give them the exact answer. As a fifth grader, your son or daughter is responsible for recording their own homework daily in their assignment planner.
D.E.A.R. TIME (Drop Everything and Read)
All students should be reading every night for a minimum of 15 minutes. Every time your child participates in reading at home, they are provided with the opportunity to practice and refine their reading, fluency, and comprehension skills. If your child is reading for a minimum of 15 minutes a night, they should be completing at least two books a month.Fresh Reads
Along with reading, it is important for your child to be working on their comprehension skills. Every Monday your child will receive one fresh read that they will need to read and respond to questions. Each week, this will be due on Thursday morning. If for some reason we do not have school on Thursdays, the reading passages will be due the following day. The passages are nonfiction science and social studies articles. These are very important, please encourage your child to take their time and look at all the text features (diagrams, flow charts, online sources, graphs, maps, time lines, and primary sources).Math
You can expect your child to have math homework almost every night. They will get one sheet of paper, on the front will be the notes and guided practice done in class and the back will be their homework. We never have time in class to complete their math homework.SpellingThe students will have a spelling packet that will be due on every day 6. They will have about a week to complete and turn in their spelling packet. Not all students will have the same spelling words; they will take a pre-test of 20 words. Then, they will correct their pretest and generate a specific spelling list based off of the words they got wrong. Every student will have the same five high frequency words and then will choose 10 misspelled words out of the 20 given for the pre-test. This will be a total of 15 words that they will need to study. On day 6, students will take their post-test first and then the new pre-test will be given to study for the next test on day 6.
Social Studies/Science
The students will switch for Social Studies and Science, homework will vary. Mrs. Moore will be teaching Science, Mrs. Hromowyk will be teaching social studies, and I will be teaching ELA Skills.