
    Welcome to Second Grade and Mrs. Moore's Class!

    Back to School


    It is a pleasure to have your child in my class!  I am excited to begin this school year, and look forward to getting to know your child and embark on a new year of learning!  My name is Susan Moore, and I have taught for the NTCSD since September, 2000.  During the past several years in the District, I have taught various grades ranging from K through 5th.  I believe that students deserve a learning environment in which they feel safe and secure to take risks, collaborate with their peers, and have opportunities to investigate, share ideas, and explore their interests.

    Over the next few days, our class will continue to engage in "getting to know you" activities, and in practicing routines and procedures to prepare us for the school year.

    If at any time you have questions or concerns, please contact me at (716) 807-3850 ext. 5206., email me at smoore@ntschools.org, send a message through Seesaw, or send in a note. 


    Schedule of Specials

    Day 1


    Day 2 Art and Library
    Day 3 Computers
    Day 4 Gym
    Day 5


    Day 6 Gym

    Please be sure your child has sneakers on gym days!



    • Our lunchtime is 12:50 – 1:30 pm, so we will have a snack time each day.
    • Please provide a healthy snack for your child daily. If possible, please have disposable containers and wrappers.
    • Please be sure to alert me to any food allergies your child may have.
    • Students are encouraged to have water bottles on their desks. Please send in a water bottle daily with your child, filled with fresh water.  (Please remind your child to bring home their water bottles daily, as well!)

    Academic Subjects


    ELA: Daily reading at home is an essential part of our Early Literacy Program.  Students should read during reading workshop for a minimum of 30 minutes, and then read an additional 10 to 20 minutes, for pleasure, at a different time of the day. While learning at home, they may use Raz-kids (Kids A-Z), Epic, or any books they have as long as they are “just right” books.

    Word Study:  Students will NOT be given weekly spelling tests this year.  Instead, we will be using a researched based phonics program that focuses on various patterns.  There are high frequency words, referred to as 'snap words', that students will practice regularly.  More information will follow.

    Math:  The math program we are using, Pearson Investigations 3, includes an explorative, hands-on approach to learning and helps in developing conceptual mathematical understanding.  Students will have reinforcement papers to work on, at times, for homework.

    Additional practice will be assigned through games and activities on the Investigations website, as well as IXL.com. 

    Hybrid and Remote Learning


    The first ten weeks of school will include hybrid or remote learning.  For the hybrid model, students whose last names begin with A through K will come to school on Monday and Tuesday.  They will be a part of our “red” team.  Students will be taught reading, writing, phonics, math, and integrated science and/or social studies, in person.  Similar lessons will be posted online through the Seesaw platform for the remainder of the class to learn at home.

    Students whose last names begin with L through Z will meet in school on Thursdays and Fridays.  They will be considered the “blue” team.  Similar lessons will be provided through Seesaw for the remainder of the class to learn at home.

    Virtual (remote) learners will be considered the “yellow” team.  Your child will learn from home each day by checking in with Seesaw each day.  There will be assignments posted in reading, writing, math, and phonics.

    I will send the lessons through Seesaw, and your child will be able to access video lessons and provide work.  You will be able to send me messages and view your child’s “journal”, which is where they will submit their work.

    Wednesdays will include scheduled meetings with your child, as well as a lesson and assignment(s).  We will meet through Microsoft Teams.  Information on how to log on to Teams as well as other important websites has been sent home.  Many of these sites/apps are already on your child’s school iPad. 

    Additional Important Information

    • I will communicate with you through Seesaw regularly to keep you updated on important events and daily assignments.
    • Please check your child's take home folder each night at home. The folder should return to school with your child daily. Seesaw should be checked daily as well.
    • Birthdays: Since part of our class will be learning from home, and the remainder of the class will be split into two groups, birthdays will look a little different this year.  We will celebrate by singing “Happy Birthday” to your child, and a birthday prize bag will be given to your child from me.  We won’t have birthday treats this year due to the unusual circumstances. 
    • Book orders: Occasionally I will send home book orders.  If you wish to order books, there are two ways to order.  One way is to send in the order with cash or a check made out to Scholastic Book Clubs. Another way is to order online at www.scholastic.com.  Our class code is HHTC9.  

      Your payment will be made directly online, and books are automatically ordered.  Once books arrive, they will be placed in a bag and sent home with your child.  If your child is a remote learner, please order your books online and I will contact you once they arrive so that we may arrange a pick-up or drop off.





      Thank you in advance for your support! I look forward to a "funtastic", yet somewhat unusual, school year!

                                                           Mrs. Moore 😊