• spelling
    Day 1 - the students are given a pretest.  They are to then choose 10 words that they misspelled.  They will also have 10 High Frequency Words.  These words are to be copied into their Spelling Notebook and their Agenda.
    Day 2 - They are to write each word in a complete sentence in their Spelling Notebook.
    Day 3 and Day 4 - They are to choose 2 activities to complete in their notebook.  These activities are in their folder.
    Day 5 - Study
    Day 6- They take their test and they hand in their NOTEBOOK,

    Unit 16 - Contractions

    1. don't

    2. won't

    3. wouldn't

    4. there's

    5. we're

    6. you're

    7. doesn't

    8. I've

    9. here's

    10. wasn't

    11. shouldn't

    12. couldn't

    13. where's

    14. hadn't

    15. aren't

    16. they're

    17. it's

    18. we've

    19. when's

    20. haven't


    1. it'll

    2. who'll

    3. might've

    4. mustn't

    5. we'd


    1. special

    2. ran

    3. full

    4. town

    5. complete

    6. oh

    7. person

    8. hot

    9. anything

    10. hold