• supplies
    GRADE 4

    1 regular backpack

    1 box thin-tipped colored markers

    2 dry erase markers

    1 box colored pencils

    24 #2 sharpened pencils

    1 box crayons

    1 pair metal pointed scissors (we suggest FISKARS)

    1 bottle white glue or glue sticks

    1 ruler with centimeter and inch markings

    1 1-gallon zipper bags

    1 large box facial tissues

    1 pkg. loose leaf notebook paper (wide ruled)

    7 2-pocket folders with clips (assorted colors)

    3 composition notebooks

    1 package of dividers

    2 -  2" binders

    1 -  1" binder
    1 pink pearl eraser

    2 Highlighters

    1 red pen

    1 pencil box or bag that closes