• The State of NT Facilities

    The school buildings in our District range from 40-84 years old and many portions of the physical plant are outdated or in need of repair. The Capital Facilities Plan has identified approximately $62 million in improvements which are needed for the District's facilities. Since the scope of work is substantial and the costs significant, consideration was given to addressing this scope of work in several phases.

    The Building Condition Survey done in 2005 by Trautman Associates rated all of the district school buildings as unsatisfactory for various reasons. Millions of dollars worth of capital improvements were identified that need to be done to make sure each building in the North Tonawanda City School District operates in a safe and healthy manner and to bring the buildings into compliance with the NYS Education Department standards. The report also concluded there is the need to address the access and exits along with the parking lots at the schools to make them safer.

    As a result of the Five Year Capital Facilities Plan done in 2004 and the 2005 Buildings Condition Survey, the NYS Education Department requested that District's plan to address these non compliant items. Since the scope of work is substantial and the costs significant, it was necessary to consider addressing it in a proposed capital project, and possibly in several phases to minimize the impact to the taxpayers.