• links
    Here you will find links to some helpful 1st grade websites to try at home. 
    Spelling City- Helpful website to practice weekly spelling words
    Storyline Online- Famous actors read children's books aloud
    Roy the Zebra- Fun, interactive literacy games, stories and songs
    Into the Book- A great way to practice comprehension strategies: using prior knowledge, making connections, synthesizing, visualizing, questioning, summarizing, evaluating and inferring
    ABCya- Alittle bit of everything- word work, number practice, social studies, and more!
    Nioga Library- Click on Tumble Books to view online stories
    Math Websitesmath
    Math Magician-A great way to practice addition and subtraction skills! 
    That Quiz- A timed way to practice addition and subtraction facts
    Sheppard Software- This website has many subject areas.The math review has some fun games to play!
    ixl- Practice with first grade math skills
    Math Slice- Practice with addition, subtraction, counting, and many more games!
    APlus Math- Great flashcards for addition and subtraction
    Cool Math- Fun math practice and games
    Telling Time- Many helpful websites that practice telling time
    Ten Frame- Practice addition using a ten frame and manipulatives