RTTT Documents

  • ELA Common Core NYS Standards.
    Click here 

    Additions to common core made by NYS are highlighted in yellow.

    Mathematics Common Core NYS Standards.
    Click here

    Additions to common core made by NYS are highlighted in yellow.

    Bringing the Common Core Standards to Life - a free webinar regarding the CCS. Click here

    The webinar is useful in helping to establish a better understanding of the CCS and its impact on teaching and learning. Below are pre-reading that participants should be exposed to (suggested, not mandatory) before viewing the webinar.

    EngageNY Resources
    A fantastic resource for teachers and administrators to find documentation that is New York specific regarding the Common Core Learning Standards, Data Inquiry Teams, and Timelines for implementation. Click here.

    Instructional Shifts 

    This resource outlines the six instructional shifts needed to effectively implement the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in ELA/Literacy and the six shifts to implement them in Math. Click here. 

     Video Series
    Common Core Video series